Between April 1999 and October 2000, McKeon and
Associates, a Joliet market research firm, conducted four telephone polls
of a sample of Chicagoans for schools chief Paul Vallas and the Board of
Education. The following is a sample of the respondents’ more strongly held
94% believe in holding back students who are not academically
prepared for the next grade
85% believe local school council members should meet “minimal
educational requirements.”
81% believe students who fail “to achieve a minimum score” on
a year- end “examination” should be required to go to summer school.
66% believe that the CPS policy for expelling students is “fair”
or “very fair.”
64% believe students who fail “to achieve a minimum score” on
a year- end “examination” should be held back.
64% believe CPS is doing all it can to make schools safe for
students and teachers.
61% believe that local school councils are providing a “necessary”
57% believe that the Chicago public school system is “heading
in the right direction.”
52% believe that CPS, not parents, should pay for student transportation.
For more questions and detailed results, see our Web

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