Comments on: Census 2020: “Black people aren’t leaving Chicago…they’re being forced out” Investigating race and poverty since 1972 Thu, 30 Jun 2022 20:53:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: Orlando Coombs Thu, 30 Jun 2022 20:53:10 +0000 In reply to Lamont Cranston.

Lamont. What your describing sounds like a script from Menace To Society. You seem to believe that we’re all going out like Caine’s Cousin Harold. That’s bullshit. I know what you hear in the news day and night nonstop about violence and crime in Chicago and across America. I get the same reports too. But there’s so much positive than there is negative going on in black neighborhoods all over America. Here’s the quiet TRUTH no media will ever tell you: Many historically rich black neighborhoods are actually making a comeback all over America and black entrepreneurs are in the driver’s seat of this comeback. Bronzeville in Chicago is undergoing a major Renaissance. Black Owned Businesses are popping up all over the place and thriving. Many Young Black Professional Men and Women are moving in there now, people with high paying jobs and successful businesses they own are redeveloping the neighborhood. In fact, Bronzeville is thriving so much that it’s serving a model for other underserved black communities all over the country. This is fact. The vast majority of African-Americans in this country are working, living, surviving, and thriving and succeeding in every area of life all day, everyday. That’s a FACT.

By: Orlando Coombs Tue, 19 Apr 2022 01:19:35 +0000 I’m so damn sick of this shit. Why must we all as black people take responsibility for some young black knuckleheads doing stupid shit. There’s a violence and homicides in White Society all the time. There are more Whites killing Whites than there are Blacks killing Blacks. And by the way, that so called black on black crime is a myth. Not that violence and crime doesn’t take place in Black Neighborhoods because it does, but anymore than in neighborhoods of other races, truth be told. There are places in Northern California where there are hardly any blacks and violent crime is off the damn charts. Asians got lots of crime and violence in their neighborhoods, but you won’t hear about it because in Asian communities nobody talks. That’s a FACT. There are White Biker Gangs and other White Criminal Groups shooting, stabbing, bombing, and burning each other alive all day long. So go someplace else with that blacks killing blacks 24/7 cause everybody’s killing each other.

By: Levi Bouncee Thu, 09 Dec 2021 18:22:16 +0000 Absolutely false narrative you’re trying to manufacture, Hugo. Blacks with education and/or military experience and family are leaving Chicago because they’re sick of the crime, gangs, drugs. Better article in Chicago Tribune with quotes from them, affirming they are leaving because they’ve had enough of lawlessness and because of the danger to their families.

By: Lamont Cranston Fri, 03 Dec 2021 10:08:35 +0000 Sky high black abortion rate makes mother’s womb the most dangerous place for a black child.
Blacks gun each other down on a daily basis, 24/7.
So stop with the discrimination crapola.
Blacks are engaged in self imposed genocide.
See how many are gunned down this weekend.
How many are at the Supreme Court screaming for abortion?
Stop killing each other from infancy to old age.
