Comments on: Wage theft victims have little chance of recouping pay in Illinois Investigating race and poverty since 1972 Tue, 22 May 2018 18:55:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: Gustavo Arreola Sun, 03 Dec 2017 03:43:00 +0000 In reply to Skip.

I believe we start buy firing the bosses, the Department heads, the supervisors, and group leaders. The fact that the bureaucracy is blown out is due to the worst group of do nothing managers that have existed in the history of man. They way to become a public sector manager is to be the least ambitious, the least competent, the least motivated employee in the unit. This is done by higher level managers who want to avoid accountability at all cost. It is not caused by the public sector worker who can be fired at any time even if they do belong to a union if management simply did their job.

I’m not a big fan of public employees but I do realize who the real do nothing people are, public sector managers.

By: Skip Fri, 01 Dec 2017 22:47:00 +0000 In reply to donny1020.

I think you could extend your argument to most employees working for the state. We should lay them all off and make them interview for their positions again, or simply contract the work out. Illinois payroll is far too high compared to other states, and we get worse services. I stung with a unpaid final wage. Our only satisfaction was beating the guy senseless (he stuck the entire staff). I did not bother with the state of Illinois. Our taxes are far too high for what little the state does. We need to have mass layoffs. It would certainly help with the pension crisis.

By: donny1020 Sat, 12 Aug 2017 21:08:00 +0000 I have worked with numerous workers in the construction industry who have been victims of wage theft and have never found any State Departments of Labor or the Federal Department of Labor helpful to workers. In all cases the government agencies charged with addressing the issue have sided with employers, acted in a incompetent mater, used there office to protect criminal contractors from private legal action, etc. The only course for workers that is even remotely effective is private litigation and keep governmental bureaucrats out of the picture completely. The public agencies without fail routinely state they lack resources but my experience is no mater how many people they would have that they would be ineffective. This is not a Democrat or Republican issue as the employees of the agencies and those agency leaders simply are to lazy and incompetent to do their jobs. It is their laziness and their incompetence that appears to be the single most important qualification to work on the issue of wage theft. This way politicians are insulated from having to confront criminal employers.

To be clear, the Federal Government’s Department of Labor has refused to prosecute a single criminal employers who has engage in wage theft on a Federal project under the Copeland Act that makes such activity a felony. We have seen the governmental agencies settle with employers for a percentage of what was owed, loose complete claim files, refuse to issue funds to employees after settlement, etc. The DoL has told us they do not care about the workers but view wage theft as a contract issue between the employer and the Government and they can settle as they see fit with no regard to how it effects employees and honest employers who compete on public construction projects.

Two years ago Clark Construction, a large anti-union contractor who performs millions of dollars of Federal construction projects, was found to have stolen over a million dollars in wages on a single project in Nevada. The US DoL settled for a small percentage of wages owed, asked the employer to post a advertisement in an obscure trade magazine speaking to wage theft, and for doing so no criminal charges were brought forward, the contractor was allowed to continue to awarded Federal contracts, and a determination was made that the US DoL would absolve the employer of all wrong doing.

Labor organizations and workers would find it more beneficial to redirect monies and efforts that now go to get politicians elected and to use those resources to establish teams of private legal professionals to privately litigate these issues. Governmental agencies simply refuse to advocate on behalf of workers.

By: Ronald Williams EL Thu, 10 Aug 2017 18:18:00 +0000 Well in my movement here in one of my home towns I have notice how corrupt some of the the things have become but I have also notice how the take overs in some zones have no laws matter of fact what law! In some zones many area’s exspecailly in the so called low income area’s” Murder is allowed and what comes along with it forgive if I write what’s on my mine and the problem is you can be killed speaking the truth” Allow me to explain when I was another part of the world there was a very powerful group which warned me about speaking the truth! They had so much power they controlled most of the 5 star and 6 star orgainzation ran by a higher group that also control most of the” Sunday meetings each and every Sunday and I most tell you that many of these so called ministers,precher’s, deacons, pastors,in which many I have asked for help to stop the madness of the thinning out of our bloodline” NO-ne of them would answer my call nor speak on the topic when confront I suspect if they did their way of living would be altered.
